venerdì 5 ottobre 2012

Instrumental Analysis of Biodiesel Content in Commercial Diesel Blends: An Experiment for Undergraduate Analytical Chemistry - Journal of Chemical Education (ACS Publications and Division of Chemical Education)

Instrumental Analysis of Biodiesel Content in Commercial Diesel Blends: An Experiment for Undergraduate Analytical Chemistry - Journal of Chemical Education (ACS Publications and Division of Chemical Education)

Si(100) Etching in Aqueous Fluoride Solutions: Parallel Etching Reactions Lead to pH-Dependent Nanohillock Formation or Atomically Flat Surfaces - The Journal of Physical Chemistry C (ACS Publications)

Si(100) Etching in Aqueous Fluoride Solutions: Parallel Etching Reactions Lead to pH-Dependent Nanohillock Formation or Atomically Flat Surfaces - The Journal of Physical Chemistry C (ACS Publications)

Rigid Body Energy Minimization on Manifolds for Molecular Docking - Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation (ACS Publications)

Rigid Body Energy Minimization on Manifolds for Molecular Docking - Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation (ACS Publications)